Our company is successful thanks to the professionals. "The Tenth Bearing Plant" provides an excellent opportunity to obtain knowledge and skills for employees who does not have work experience, and for advancement in career for experienced workers. Beginners are trained by professional mentors and receive assistance in the implementation. |
The working conditions at the plant designed to create a pleasant working atmosphere. It has everything necessary for work and rest.
- Organization of the work meets the requirements of labor protection. |
We strive the Tenth Bearing Plant was the place where people want to work and do it with pleasure. Staff of our plant is of various age and length of service. Some of our managers started their labor activity as the ordinary workers at the factory and achieved great career success. |
Tenth Bearing Plant is a responsible employer. The plant provides a competitive salary, privileges and the opportunity to grow and develop in the profession. Management of the plant fulfills the requirements of the labor legislation and create such working conditions in which every employee feels its importance for the company. Every employee of the Tenth Bearing Plant can be sure that: - Relations with the employer are established in accordance with applicable law. From the first day of his work employee gets labor contract and record of service.
During maternity leave the workspace is kept for the employee. Working conditions that the company Tenth Bearing Plant provides to its employees, allow people to plan their life and be confident in the future. |
Each of us spends a lot of time at work and would like to get from this activity something more than material compensation for the performance of official duties. This is an opportunity to realize themselves, get some skills and experience, make a career, make new friends. Each employee of the Tenth Bearing Plant can always count on the feedback from the management to know which of his efforts and achievements are noticed by managers and what are opportunity for improvement. Tenth Bearing Plant is stability and confidence in the future which is essential to any person, regardless of age and lifestyle. The road to the place of work in the big cities is important factor when choosing a job. We all cherish our time and not willing to spend a few hours only for way to work and back. The plant is located in the city and directly at the traffic intersection of city buses. |
Learn more | +7 (863) 200-21-73 |