8 July 2022


Минпромторг России разработал знак «В реестре российской продукции»
The sign is issued to companies that have received confirmation of the production of products on the territory of the Russian Federation (GD of the Russian Federation of July 17, 2019 No. 719).

At the international industrial exhibition INNOPROM-2022, such signs have already been issued to many companies that have received confirmation of production in the Russian Federation for their products. Using the QR code of the mark, you can go to the GISP product catalog and get acquainted with the characteristics and detailed information about the exhibited Russian products or with the list of the company's products for which production confirmations were received from the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia.

The placement of products in the register of Russian products is a necessary element of participation in public procurement - goods with proven production receive preferences when competing with foreign products: the public buyer is obliged to purchase a domestic analogue, if available.

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